Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Believing for something out of peace not fear!

There’s a battle going on inside of you and me. A battle for our peace of mind.

Sure the enemy would love to rob us of our eternal future, but if that’s not possible stealing our peace today is good enough.

If he isn’t disrupting our lives with real problems, he’ll attack our minds with “what ifs.”

All to make us doubt God’s goodness and power.

How can you and I fight well-planned efforts to destroy our daily peace?

By knowing and trusting God completely.

It’s impossible to know that about someone we’ve just met or someone with whom we have very little connection.

But time and relationship teach us a lot about a person.

And it’s through time and relationship you and I learn we can trust God.

He has integrity. He is who He says He is. And He keeps His promises. And that makes Him trustworthy.

How do I know?

I was a slow learner. I actually endured a great trial in my life (as a mother) that trusting Him was all I had. 

I’m so thankful God didn’t give up on me. He wanted a relationship with me even more than I wanted one with Him. So He allowed life to shake me up a little and brought me to a place where I was desperate for unshakeable faith.

Faith built on time and experience.

There are lots of articles out there that will give you all kinds of tips for journaling, coloring, and personalizing your Bible and they’re all great if you’ll actually do them. But when I make it too big and complicated it’s easy for me to lose momentum.

And notes and artwork are great if they really make you focus on the Lord and grow closer to Him. I’m concerned I will focus more on a pretty Bible with impressive notes and end up making it all about me.

I need a Bible Study plan I will do. Because the more I spend time with God in His Word the more I trust His promises like:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

My God will use His wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need. Philippians 4:19

But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ERV)

You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on You because they trust You. So, trust the Lord always, because He is our Rock forever. Isaiah 26:3–4

I’m a note taker girl and have written prayers for years. But I’ve noticed something important as I put down my journal and got down on my knees I noticed…

Knee prayer pours out more and opens me up to the Spirit. I love to sit and write my prayers, but they can sometimes feel more academic and scripted. I catch myself think about what someone would think if they read my words. I want my prayer journal to be pretty and make me look good. (Can you relate? Tell me I’m not the only one.)


Knee prayer gets raw and I need that! It’s just the Lord and me. Real, honest, and unscripted. Less of me and more of Him.

That’s it! Easy right?!

Maybe not easy. Life gets crazy busy and we’re so easily distracted. But it’s doable and it’s OH SO WORTH IT!

When I’d see people with unshakeable faith I thought there must be some special formula. 

But what we need is to....

Just show up and ask God to work unshakeable faith in you.

Faith that is complete trust grounded on the solid rock of God’s promises fulfilled through Jesus and affirmed through prayer.

Unshakeable faith that knows peace.